Imagine every moment you’ve instinctively wanted to punch someone in the face because they’re simply in your way, but ya don’t because of the repercussions of laws, social rejection, blah blah blah… Meet Wayne, he don’t give a f*ck about what you think. He doesn’t question his instincts and he makes his own rules.
source: chapters.indigo.com source: chapters.indigo.com
Nowadays with woke writers exploiting the existential dread of Millennials there’s an influx of books and memes out there shining a light on the ‘IDGAF’ attitude. In Youtube Premium’s web-series we see Wayne exhibiting that IDGAF attitude flawlessly.

I had to binge watch it all in one day — I just had to, but don’t be me. Definitely try to savour this, because it didn’t make the cut for a second season renewal.
It felt as if I was watching a comic book, which makes sense coming from the creators who brought us Deadpool. From the characters, the jump cuts, the writing, to the cinematography “Wayne” will have you living out your teen angst fantasies.

Source: www.therollingstone.com
We watch Wayne (Mark McKenna) and Del (Ciara Bravo) ride off to take back what was taken from Wayne’s late-father (a ‘79 trans-am) only for them to find out how dysfunctional a family can be. With Wayne’s dumb luck, a 3 pound hammer and a shit-eating grin on his face, Wayne and Del ride through this clusterfuck of a mess, proving that you’ll always be two steps ahead when you don’t stop making strides.
The show’s bold character writing has a dystopian yet hopeful air around it, which all blends harmoniously for the perspective that Shawn Simmons funnels us into.
The men in Del’s family provide both conflict and comedic relief. Daddy (Dean Winters) delivers an exceptional performance expressing the challenges of single-fatherhood while dealing with crippling alcoholism. He mishandles the situation out of passion and internal struggle but at the heart of it all Daddy is just trying to protect his little girl, right?

Source: www.youtube.com
Brother Teddy (Jamie Champagne) and Brother Carl (Jon Champagne) have impeccable chemistry that can only come with true siblings and they nail the “dumb and dumber” act. So we’ve got attention seeking twins, and an alcoholic widow chasing a teenage boy and their daughter. The runaway couple blazes a path to learn what the real world can be like, who they want to be, and also who the fuck took the Trans Am?! Every episode leaves you in the rubble of the disaster the two have created, making you want to crawl out and find out how.
Get hooked on Episode 1 for free. You can watch the whole series with a Youtube Premium Subscription.
James Enalen's review of "Wayne"
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