The dark comedy short film ‘The iMom’ created by Ariel Martin might stick in your mind for a long while after you’ve watched it. It feels inspired by ‘Black Mirror’ commentary on what our future could be like once we’ve created technology more intelligent than ourselves.
The short introduces a new Robot: iMom. iMom is able to cook various recipes and care for the baby while the real parents are away. Throughout the film an iMom ad plays on the television and families express their gratitude for the convenience of iMom. One young mother talks about how she can still make it out to the club 4 out of 5 nights of the week, all thanks to iMom! These television ads provide some comic relief and allow the viewer to laugh at the possibility that we would ever allow robots to raise our children. The ending however, might have you holding your breath and thinking about the multiple horrors one error could bring forth!
Just like a good episode of ‘Black Mirror’, The iMom may leave you with more questions than it gives answers, but it is a fun ride along the way.
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein
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