In a Heartbeat is a stunning short film published last year on YouTube that showcases a gay romance between two students. It’s a charming and beautiful piece that echoes the universal desire to love and be loved. It’s the kind of film that is so universal in its message and tone that kids instantly get behind it. It has even been utilized as a tool for LGBTQ sex education lessons in schools. This is a piece that promotes acceptance and diversity, with stunning animation that stacks up to the likes of Illumination, Pixar, and Dreamworks.
In a Heartbeat, to me, is the kind of film that sparks change. It’s the kind of film that executives at the film studios should take notice of, especially due to its overwhelming support and popularity online. Movies like Disney’s Frozen would work equally well with two princes or two princesses being in love instead of the typical heterosexual relationships.
You can watch the full short film now. If you have kids, have them join you – its family-friendly and totally engaging for children. I’d love to know what you think so don’t hesitate to tweet me at @MatkaiBurmaster and share your thoughts!
In a Heartbeat is a fantastic LGBTQ short that parents and schools should get behind. It’s relatable, honest, and the animation is expertly executed. A powerful piece.
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